MATLAB: How to make a splash screen for the MATLAB GUI application


I would like to make a splash screen for my application, a window that pops up with a logo in it while my program is loading. I can make a figure pop up, but this has a menu and toolbar.

Best Answer

The ability to create splash screens is not available in MATLAB.
As a workaround, the following code should produce an example figure window in the center of the screen:
% create a figure that is not visible yet, and has minimal titlebar properties
fh = figure('Visible','off','MenuBar','none','NumberTitle','off');
% put an axes in it
ah = axes('Parent',fh,'Visible','off');
% put the image in it
load earth.mat
ih = image(X,'parent',ah);
% set the figure size to be just big enough for the image, and centered at
% the center of the screen
imxpos = get(ih,'XData');
imypos = get(ih,'YData');
figpos = get(fh,'Position');
figpos(3:4) = [imxpos(2) imypos(2)];
% make the figure visible
ht = timer('StartDelay',5,'ExecutionMode','SingleShot');
Unfortunately, the blue bar at the top of the window and the standard window buttons will be present. This sample should automatically readjust for different window sizes.