MATLAB: How to make a solver with several functions containing a definite integration inside

conditional functionintegralintegrationsolve

Hi, I am relative new in matlab. I never use solver and definite integration in matlab. Normally I will do it numerically in excel so I can control my data easily. But due to some circumtances, I need to do it in matlab. In this question, I try to reduce the matrix size so I can easily explain. my problem is as below
As=[2094.4 3272.53 4105; 3272.53 3272.53 4105;]; %>> matrix size (n,m) where n=number of cases and m=number of possible As
d=[950 950 950; 933.33 950 950;]; %>> matrix size (n,m) where n=number of cases and m=number of possible As >> d is the position of As
P=[-499.8 -499.8; -1122 -1122; 1122 499.8;]; %>> matrix size (k,n) where k=number of considered P in a case and n=number of cases
fy=415; fcd=24/1.3; k1=0.85; es=fy/200000; B=1000; Ty=fy*As;
functions variable (x,ec_top)
  1. ec_top=x*es/(d-x)
  2. sigma(ec)=k1*fcd*(ec/0.002)*(2-ec/0.002) for 0<ec<0.002
  3. sigma(ec)= k1*fcd for 0.002<ec<0.0035
  4. sigma(ec)= 0 for else
  5. Cc=B*integral(sigma(ec),0,ec_top)
as we can see that function 1 is the correlation of variable x and ec_top, further ec_top is used as upper limit in integration to solve the equation.
I want to solve the equation for each k,n,m and what I care is the value of x where the size suposse to be [k,n,m]
or x1 [k,m] and x2 [k,m] for each case. either way is ok for me. please help

Best Answer

You are working with symbolic x1 and ec, so you use symbolic forms.
I had to make some guesses about what the code was intended to mean
As=[2094.4 3272.53 4105; 3272.53 3272.53 4105;]; %>> matrix size (n,m) where n=number of cases and m=number of possible As
d=[950 950 950; 933.33 950 950;]; %>> matrix size (n,m) where n=number of cases and m=number of possible As >> d is the position of As
P=[-499.8 -499.8; -1122 -1122; 1122 499.8;]; %>> matrix size (k,n) where k=number of considered P in a case and n=number of cases
syms ec x1
assume(ec > 0);
assume(x1 > 0 & x1 <= B);
%d is an array... so ec_top will be an array
ec_top = x1.*es./(d-x1);
%notice that sigma is 0 for ec == 0.002 exactly because both cases
%were defined with strict lower < value < upper rather lower <= value < upper
sigma = piecewise(0 < ec & ec < 0.002, k1.*fcd.*(ec./0.002).*(2-ec./0.002), ...
ec > 0.002 & ec<0.0035, k1.*fcd, ...
%array ec_top is used as an upper bound on the integral. Does that mean you want
%an array of values, one for each upper bound? Or should the values somehow be
%constrained by case ??
Cc_temp = arrayfun(@(UB) int(sigma, ec, 0, UB), ec_top);
Cc = B .* Cc_temp;
eqn_lhs = Ty-Cc
%there are multiple P for each case, but each case has multiple As values.
%does that mean we want a solution for each (P,As) combination for each case?
for casenum = 1 : size(As,1)
for Pnum = 1 : size(P,1)
solutions(casenum,:,Pnum) = arrayfun(@solve, eqn_lhs(casenum,:)==P(Pnum,casenum), 'uniform', 0);
No solutions.
But this will give you a chance to review and figure out what your notation was intended to mean when brought into practice.
What is x? Is it x1? Is the intention to confine x1 to the region 0 (exclusive) to 1000 (inclusive) ?
Under some assumptions it is possible to find solutions... if my interpretation of the question is correct, which is questionable.