MATLAB: How to make a small change to a big text file efficiently

text file small change huge file

Hi, I have a big normal text file, 5000 lines, where different forms of content exist, data or strings or symbols. And I want to change the data in only two locations.
e.g. data file content:
line 1-1000th ……
line 1001th ABCD
line 1002th 3 5 7
line till 5000th ……
What I know is that first to read the file line by line:
tline = fgetl(fid); data01{i} = tline;
find the line location after "ABCD", replace it with my new data:
data01{1002} = [9 0 0]; then write data01 line by line into the new file.
However, this takes too long time, due to the burden of reading each line. and I have a lot of files to work with.
Is there any faster way to do this? Any comment or hint will be appreciated! Thank you!

Best Answer

Hi, this following code works fine, which strangely didn't take that long time as first try.
fin = fopen('inp.txt','r');
fout = fopen('out.txt','w');
while ~feof(fin)
s = fgetl(fin);
if idk==250
s = num2str(5);
if idk==262
s = num2str(6);
if idk==1373
s = num2str([1 1 1]);
if idk==1380
s = num2str([8 8 8]);