MATLAB: How to make a rectangular pulse train at 50 kHz frequency


I have a code –
t = 0 : 1/1e3 : 1; % 1 kHz sample freq for 1 sec
d = 0 : 1/3 : 1; % 3 Hz repetition freq
y = pulstran(t,d,'rectpuls');
which is supposed to generate a rectangular pulse at 3 Hz how to make it 50 kHz?
When I try changing it, I dont see the pulse train any more.

Best Answer

You did not specify the width of the pulse. I've made it 10 microseconds.
t = 0 : 1/1e6 : .01;
d = 0 : 1/50e3 : .01;
y = pulstran(t,d,@rectpuls,1e-5);
axis([0 0.001 0 1.5])