MATLAB: How to make a push button to be pressed 3 times after other push button is pressed

guiguideMATLABmatlab guipushbutton

so i created two pushbuttons in gui in matlab so let us call the first pushbutton pushbutton1 and lets call the second push button pushbutton2 this is already done but just written this for clarification so my question is how could i make when pushbutton2 is pressed in the gui it causes pushbutton1 to be pressed 3 times after each other since in pushbutton1 i am having a specific functions and plots and matrices so i need the user once he presses the pushbutton2 so it could cause the pushbutton1 that contains functions plots and matrices to be pressed 3 times. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can jsut call out the callback for pushbutton2 three times in your callback for pushbutton1.
button1 = uicontrol('style','pushbutton','callback',@push1callback)
button2 = uicontrol('style','pushbutton','callback',@push2callback)
function push1callback(hObj,event)
%this button gets pushed
disp('first button is pushed')
for i = 1:3
push2callback % runs the second button 3 times.
function push2callback(hObj,event)
disp('Second button is pushed')