MATLAB: How to make a nxm Vandermonde matrix


How to make a mxn Vandermonde matrix?
n = 30;
start = -2;
stop = 2;
x = linspace(start,stop,n);
eps = 1;
r = rand(1,n) * eps;
y = x.*(cos(r+0.5*x.^3)+sin(0.5*x.^3));
m = 3;
B = y';
b = B(1:m);
A = fliplr(vander(x(1:m)))
This makes it a 3×3 matrix, and I want a nx3 matrix.

Best Answer

A = x(:).^(2:-1:0);
That works as long as you are using MATLAB R2016b or later. Earlier releases would need to use bsxfun, or even repmat.
Note that in A, i used the convention that vander uses, having the higest order term first. This is somewhat standard in MATLAB, for example, with polyfit.
You used fliplr on the result of vander, so you have the constant term first in your example. Either way is acceptable, as long as you know what you are doing.
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