MATLAB: How to make a menu save the choice as a string instead of a value


Here is my set up for the menu:
% Create array for days of the week:
D={'Monday','Wednesday','Friday'}; % creats cell array for days
% Create a menu for user to choose day of week:
day=menu('Select the day of the week: ',D{1},D{2},D{3}); % selects day
This works correctly and brings up the menu for the user to select the day of the week. Issue is that it saves it as an interger instead of a string. I need it to save as a string so that I can call it in my next function.
fprintf('On %s, the user %s entered a %2.2f gram mass with a \n',day,N,m);
This calls on everything correctly except for the day that the user chose in the menu. I know it says to creat a dialog instead of a menu, but our instructions are to create a cell array and call that array in the menu. For the final fprintf function I just get an empty square box where the day should be. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Address your ‘D’ cell array with the ‘day’ variable:
% Create array for days of the week:
D={'Monday','Wednesday','Friday'}; % creats cell array for days
% Create a menu for user to choose day of week:
day=menu('Select the day of the week: ',D{1},D{2},D{3}); % selects day
daychar = D{day}
and make the appropriate change to your fprintf call:
fprintf('On %s, the user %s entered a %2.2f gram mass with a \n',daychar,N,m);
Experiment to get the result you want.
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