MATLAB: How to make a Loop (!) over the image using a 5×5 pixel window

5×5 pixel windowMATLABnested for loops

Loop (!) over the image using a 5×5 pixel window. For each such window, compute the average pixel value and store the result in a new image. Treat borders in some controlled way and make sure the result has the same size in pixels as the original image. You will need at least two nested for-loops, to scan rows and columns in your image.

Best Answer

Hi Nadeen,
It seems you want to do average filtering of an image with the kernal size of 5x5. It can be done using imfilter command. Consider the code below:
window_size = 5;
filter_type=fspecial('average', window_size);
filtered_image = imfilter(I,filter_type, 'replicate'); %%% I = image
For more details refer to the documentation page of imfilter using the link given below: