MATLAB: How to make a list of appearance


Hi guys,
I am having some lists of animal which some animal appear many time in many list. So I want to count the appearance of animal and show how many times it appear, then save it to excel file
the data after saving in excel shoulbe be like this
name , count
a 1
b 3
c 2
I have think about 2d- char array but it seems Matlab does not support it.

Best Answer

Use findgrpups() and histcounts(). Something like this
names = ["cat" "dog" "cat" "cat" "dog"];
[n, unique_names] = findgroups(names);
freq = accumarray(n(:), 1);
T = table(unique_names(:), freq(:));
>> T
T =
2×2 table
Var1 Var2
_____ ____
"cat" 3
"dog" 2
Write to excel file
writetable(T, 'filename.xlsx')
In R2019a and later, following will also work
names = ["cat" "dog" "cat" "cat" "dog"];
[freq, unique_names] = groupcounts(names(:));
T = table(unique_names(:), freq(:));