MATLAB: How to make a function that takes a matrix and integer and divide every divisible element of matrix by integer

if statementMATLABmatrix

Hi everyone I am going to attempt that query: Write a function called divvy that takes a matrix A of positive integers and a single positive integer k as its two inputs and returns a matrix B that has the same size as A. The elements of B are all divisible by k. If an element of A is divisible by k, then the corresponding element in B must have the same value. If an element of A is not divisible by k, then the corresponding element of B must be the product of the given element of A and k. You are not allowed to use any for-­‐loops or while-­‐loops. For example, the call X = divvy([1 2 ; 3 4], 2) would make X equal to [2 2 ; 6 4]. I am using that codes
function B =divvy(A,k)
if rem(A,k)==0
but getting that error..
Feedback: Your function made an error for argument(s) [1 4;5 2;6 0], 3
Your solution is _not_ correct.
Any suggestion how can i correct my code? thanks in advance for assistance

Best Answer

There is no need to use slow find, when logical indexing is faster and neater:
function B = divvy(A, k)
B = A;
idx = rem(A,k)~=0;
B(idx) = k*A(idx);
And the test cases:
>> divvy([1,2;3,4], 2)
ans =
2 2
6 4
>> divvy([1,4;5,2;6,0], 3)
ans =
3 12
15 6
6 0