MATLAB: How to make a function that generate uniformely distributed random matrix

for loopMATLABmatrixrandom number generatorstack overflow

Hi every one..
I am going to make a function which takes three input arguments limit,a,b in that order. The function returns an a-by-b matrix of uniformly distributed random integers between 1 and limit inclusive. I am not allowed to use randi, but i can use rand. To make sure that my result is indeed uniformly distributed, test the output of the function by using the built-in function hist, which plots a histogram.
to make such function i am using that codes
function rad=rad1(limit,n,m)
for i=1:n
for j=1:m
but i getting error every time.Can anybody assist me to make such function…Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Define your function as
function r = myrandi(limit, a, b)
r = ceil(limit*rand(a,b));
Check with
a= 10; b = 3000; limit = 12;
r = myrandi(limit, a, b);
hist(r(:), 1:limit)