MATLAB: How to make a for loop for fft

fftfor loop

Cell Final is (1×15) and it has vectors each 1×2545. I want to run fft function for each vector of cell Final using a for loop. Ultimately I have to compare data from all the 15 row vectors. Here what I have tried:
Final=1x15 cell and each element is a 1x2545 vector
Fs = 1.0173e+03; % Sampling frequency
L = 2500; % Length of signal
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
for yy=1:length(Final);
YY= fft(Final(1),NFFT)/L;

Best Answer

Sag - if Final is a cell array, then your for loop would look something like
for k = 1:length(Final)
YY = fft(Final{k},NFFT)/L;
% etc.
Note how we use the indexing variable k to access the kth cell element of Final using the braces {}.