MATLAB: How to make a dictionary of arrays


I can't seem to figure out how containers.Map works… It's doing ok with characters and numbers, but flips out when I try to feed it arrays. How do I make something like this?
function test
global a
a = containers.Map();
a(pi) = 3:14;
a(5) = 4:2:10;

Best Answer

Solarmew - the default KeySet type for a container is char (see containers.Map for details) and so when you try the above, you probably see the following error message
Error using containers.Map/subsasgn
Specified key type does not match the type expected for this container.
The above error makes sense since your key of pi or 5 are of type double (or single). Since you want your keys to be doubles then just define the KeySet and _ValueType* properties as
a = containers.Map('KeyType','double','ValueType','any');
which means that
a =
Map with properties:
Count: 0
KeyType: double
ValueType: any
And so you can now use pi or 5 as a key
a(pi) = 3:14;
a(5) = 4:2:10;
Try the above and see what happens!