MATLAB: How to make a DCOM Server instance of MATLAB visible


From my local Machine 1, I am starting an instance of MATLAB on a remote Machine 2 using DCOM. However, the instance does not display graphics on the remote display. I would like to do so.
I am using another instance of MATLAB on my local Machine 1 as the DCOM Client.

Best Answer

DCOM allows programs executing as the Interactive User to display graphics. To make MATLAB visible on the remote Machine 2, you can configure MATLAB to execute as the Interactive User as follows:
1. On Machine 2, start the DCOM Configuration utility by selecting "Start->Control Panels->Administrative Services->Component Services".
2. Select "Component Services->Computers->My Computer->DCOM Config".
3. Right-click the appropriate "Matlab.Application" line and select "Properties". For MATLAB 7.0 (R14) to MATLAB 7.3 (R2006b), select "Matlab.Application (Version 7.0)".
4. Click the "Identity" tab and select "Interactive User". Click "OK".
Now you can start MATLAB from a local MATLAB session, and make it visible:
h = activexserver('matlab.application','machine2')
h.Visible = 1