MATLAB: How to make a .csv file with data values in .txt

csvdelimitertext filetext;textscantxt

I have a data .txt file with values as below,
0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
1.005346e-04 1.842308e-20
2.006482e-04 6.750698e-20
3.000943e-04 3.313659e-19
4.002079e-04 6.749189e-19
5.003215e-04 1.001656e-18
6.004351e-04 1.332393e-18
7.005486e-04 1.622378e-18
8.006612e-04 3.978657e+01
9.001020e-04 2.101415e+03
1.000211e-03 5.359804e+03
1.100320e-03 8.372647e+03
I need to split them with some delimiter and export it to a .csv file with two columns so that I can plot the graph with Column 1 as X and Column two as Y.
Can anyone help me how to do it ?
Matlab R2015b

Best Answer

If you want to read your file using readtable, you need to do some processing on it afterwards:
T = readtable('data.txt','ReadVariableNames',0);
T(1:3,:) = [];
T1 = varfun(@str2double,T);
T1.Properties.VariableNames = {'X','Y'};
plot(T1.X, T1.Y) % Plot Table
Note that ‘T’ imports the numerical data as strings, so you need to convert them to numerical variables to use them.
You can also use textscan to read it:
fidi = fopen('data.txt');
for k = 1:3
hdrs{k} = fgetl(fidi); % Read & Store Headers
C = textscan(fidi,'%f%f', 'CollectOutput',1); % Read & Store Numerical Data (Cell Array)
D = cell2mat(C); % Store Numerical Data As Matrix (Optional)
plot(C{:}(:,1), C{:}(:,2)) % Plot Cell Array
plot(D(:,1), D(:,2)) % Plot Matrix
I would just leave your file as it is, however. If you want to store only the numerical values, just save (link) it as a .mat file.