MATLAB: How to make a colour picker similar to this one in Matlab

colour pickergui

Below is the screenshots for a commercial colour picker available online.
The good thing about designing the colour picker in this fashion is that everything is all on the same page. Users don't have to go through different pages/channels to select a different colour. All they need to do is to first move the circle on the slider bar to the hue they want(red, green, purple), then move the position of the upper circle to fine tuning which exact blue he wants.
How to achieve something very similar to this in Matlab? Any thoughts?
P.s. It also needs to be able to be built-in/integrated in the GUI instead of stand-alone piece like 'uisetcolor'.

Best Answer

This looks similar to the built-in uisetcolor of R2019b, see -> Select a Color from a Gradient
I assume you find the corresponding code in this function.