MATLAB: How to make a 2-layer Subtotal from a table


Hi, I am trying to make a function for getting a subtotal from a Table. I attached an excel file. First sheet are inputs, second sheet is the desired out. My data consists on three columns: the first layer (financial assets codes), the second layer (fund names where the asset is located) and third column (the amount invested). Any help please… would be deeply appreciated. Regards, Edson.

Best Answer

Edson, I think this does the trick:
>> question = readtable('question.xlsx')
question =
First Second Amount
________ _______ ______
'XS0001' 'Fund1' 20
'XS0002' 'Fund1' 30
'XS0003' 'Fund2' 40
'XS0004' 'Fund1' 50
'XS0005' 'Fund2' 60
'XS0006' 'Fund1' 70
'XS0001' 'Fund2' 80
'XS0002' 'Fund2' 90
'XS0003' 'Fund2' 20
'XS0004' 'Fund1' 30
'XS0005' 'Fund2' 40
'XS0006' 'Fund1' 50
'XS0001' 'Fund2' 60
'XS0002' 'Fund1' 70
'XS0003' 'Fund1' 80
'XS0004' 'Fund2' 90
'XS0005' 'Fund1' 20
'XS0006' 'Fund2' 30
'XS0001' 'Fund2' 40
'XS0002' 'Fund1' 50
'XS0003' 'Fund2' 60
'XS0004' 'Fund1' 70
'XS0005' 'Fund2' 80
'XS0006' 'Fund1' 90
>> varfun(@sum,question,'GroupingVariable',{'First' 'Second'},'InputVariable','Amount')
ans =
First Second GroupCount sum_Amount
________ _______ __________ __________
XS0001_Fund1 'XS0001' 'Fund1' 1 20
XS0001_Fund2 'XS0001' 'Fund2' 3 180
XS0002_Fund1 'XS0002' 'Fund1' 3 150
XS0002_Fund2 'XS0002' 'Fund2' 1 90
XS0003_Fund1 'XS0003' 'Fund1' 1 80
XS0003_Fund2 'XS0003' 'Fund2' 3 120
XS0004_Fund1 'XS0004' 'Fund1' 3 150
XS0004_Fund2 'XS0004' 'Fund2' 1 90
XS0005_Fund1 'XS0005' 'Fund1' 1 20
XS0005_Fund2 'XS0005' 'Fund2' 3 180
XS0006_Fund1 'XS0006' 'Fund1' 3 210
XS0006_Fund2 'XS0006' 'Fund2' 1 30
You might also consider converting First and Second to categorical, something like
question.First = categorical(question.First);
Hope this helps.