MATLAB: How to maintain zoom ratio in refreshing plot


I have some problems with plot things.
There are so many properties in plot.
1) Input Image 2) Filtered Image
There are some controllable parameter for filter.
Plot is refreshed versus changing paremter.
For the detail check of image, I used Zoom Tools.
But everytime I refresh it, The image get role-back to initialized zoom factor.
Is there any easy way to get this problem??
Thank you.

Best Answer

You can assign a user-defined callback function to the zooming tool:
zz = zoom();
set(zz,'Enable','off');% Zoom is by default NOT clicked...
Implementation of zoom_behavior() may look like this:
function zoom_behavior(obj,evd)
% Current axes object
ax = evd.Axes;
% Apply yout zooming rule
set(ax,'Xlim',[0 1],'Ylim',[2 9]);