MATLAB: How to loop through a structure field which contains multiple arrays

for loopselecting cell arraysstructures

Hi all,
I have a big structure which contains different substructures.
The structure is called 'subjects' and contains information for each subject.
However, I am interested in angles, which are located in subjects.sessions.trials(1).data.angles.
subjects.sessions.trials(1).data.angles contains 28 fields, all being a 1289×1 double, which all have names of different angles.
I want to plot the 28 angles by looping through, but I cannot manage to select what I need in the for loop:
for i = 1:NSessions
plot(subjects.sessions.trials(i).data.angles. ......);
Attached is a snapshot of what the structure field looks like.matlab.PNG
I tried creating a cell array with the 28 names and then use
for i = 1:NSessions
for k = 1:NAngleName
But this is not working.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

If you want to make your last attempt work, you might use eval: