MATLAB: How to loop round and upload a different file name each time using csvread

csvreadfor loop

I have to load in a set number of CSV files and do some analysis on them. I think I have to use num2str but I cant get it working. The file names are called GroupC01, GroupC02, …., GroupCn. I realise once I go over 10 ill have to change the upload to change both units rather than just the one, I'm planning on putting a new for loop in for when i goes over 10. Any ideas on how to upload the files in a loop? Im also wondering if theres a way so I don't have to use another for loop after the file number goes over 10? Ive pasted my code below, any ideas would be much appreciated as I'm pretty new to this software!
for i=1:setnumber
data = csvread(['groupC0'num2str(i)'.CSV'],6,0);