MATLAB: How to loop a whole program 100 times to get a single output

repeat a program several times

Please can anyone help with syntax to loop the program below a 100 times to get a single output T from T = TB*T where TB is TB*TB*TB*TB upto 100TB
f = 25 ;
T = eye(2);
m = 10;
Zcb = 104.5;
l = 3.75e-3 ;
Zo = (1 + (0.055*(1-1i))/sqrt(f));
n = 800 ;
x = 1;
P = 800;
Z1 = 1+((m)*sin(2*pi*n*x/P));
ZB = abs(Zcb*Zo*Z1);
u = ((494)+(36/f))*1.0e-9;
Vpk = 100/u ;
Attk = (1.80*sqrt(f)+ 0.005*(f)+ 0.25/sqrt(f));
Qk = ((Attk)*(0.01))/(8.68588963807);
Bk = (2*pi*f*1.0e6)/(Vpk);
Yk =(Qk + 1i*Bk);
H = (1.0000 + 0.0000i);
N = (0.0000 + 0.0029i);
Ds = (2*ZB.*Zo*H) + ((ZB.^2+Zo^2)*N);
SB11 = ((ZB.^2-Zo^2)*N)/Ds;
SB12 = (2*ZB.*Zo)/Ds;
SB21 = (2*ZB.*Zo)/Ds;
SB22 = ((ZB.^2-Zo^2)*N)/Ds;
% Program to convert S matrix to T matrix
TB11 = ((SB12*SB21)-(SB11*SB22))/SB21;
TB12 = (SB11/SB21);
TB21 = -(SB22/SB21);
TB22 = (1/SB21);
TB = [TB11 TB12;TB21 TB22];
T = T * TB;
disp('Result of multiplication of all the matrices together is'), T

Best Answer

Just make a script with a for loop and call that m-file from inside the loop.
for experiment = 1 : 100
anyOutput(k) = yourOtherMFile(anyInput); % Or whatever it's called.