MATLAB: How to log out of MATLAB Drive Connector (the desktop application for syncing with MATLAB Drive)


How can I log out of MATLAB Drive Connector (the desktop application for syncing with MATLAB Drive)?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, you cannot log out of MATLAB Drive Connector as it is designed for use by a single user.
The workaround.
If you are logged in to your personal account on a shared machine, there's no need to logout or delete your files as only you can access them (other users who login to their personal accounts on the same machine will not be able to access your files or login information).
If, however, you are using a shared login (i.e. other users have access to the account for which you installed MATLAB Drive Connector with access to your files), you should do the following:
1. Uninstall MATLAB Drive Connector which you can do from Add/Remove programs - instructions here:
2. Delete the following folder, which will clear cached information about your account.
You should be able to copy and paste this into the Windows search bar or the address bar of a File Explorer window.
This should resolve to something like C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\MathWorks\MATLABConnector