MATLAB: How to log frames to disk and show a live view from from a 10 bit depth camera

Image Acquisition Toolbox

I have a 10 bit depth camera and I would like to show a live view and log the frames to disk. Is there an example I can use to get started?

Best Answer

The following MATLAB example code enables the full bit depth mode for camera preview and configures disk logging with a format which supports bit depth greater than 8 bit.
%%Example live view and disk logging from 10-bit depth camera
%%Configure camera
% Set preview data to native camera bit depth (default is 8 bit)
imaqmex('feature', '-previewFullBitDepth', true);
v = videoinput('winvideo', 1, 'Y16 _640x480');
%%Configure preview
% Create a preview window and get image and axes handles
im = preview(v);
ax = im.Parent;
% Specify scaled grayscale data mapping to colormap
im.CDataMapping = 'scaled';
% Specify a colormap to display grayscale image mapped to RGB image
colormap(ax, gray(1024));
% Specify auto detection of CData limits
ax.CLimMode = 'auto';
% Or, specify a fixed signal data range to display
% signalRange = [0 2^10-1];
% ax.CLim = signalRange;
%%Configure disk logging
v.LoggingMode = 'disk';
v.DiskLogger = VideoWriter('logfile.mj2', 'Motion JPEG 2000');
%%Start Acquisition
while (v.FramesAcquired ~= v.DiskLoggerFrameCount)
%%Clean up
clear v