MATLAB: How to load .nitrace file (NI I/O Trace File) into matlab

.nitraceload dataread filetrace file

I would like to know if anyone has ever load the data from a .nitrace file(NI I/O Trace File) into matlab? The file should have recorded a sinus frequens from an analog input. It was recorded with a INT-20X-USB Breakout Box. Now all I get are some not relatable numbers or symbol-salat…
I tried to read it with:
fid = fopen('Capture3.nitrace','r'); C = fread(fid); (got some not relatable numbers)
A = importdata('Capture3.nitrace'); (got symbol-salat)
data = fscanf(fid, '%d %s %f', Inf);
Cdata = textscan(fid, '%s %s %s %f %s %f %f %f %f %f %s');
Thank you very much for helping.

Best Answer

The file internally says "NI Spy 2.5 Capture File", and I see that NI Spy was the old name for what is now named NI I/O Trace.
The file is a binary file that cannot be read using textscan() or similar text processing routines.
I do not find any description of the file format anywhere.
I do find an old posting that hints it might be possible to use the NI utility to export the file into text form: