MATLAB: How to load cell *.mat into matlab coder for mex file generation

cellloadmatlab codermex compiler

Hi, Im just trying out Matlab coder 3.0 but I don't know how to import presaved cells
test.mat % class cell size 955x2

test= load('test.mat');
test % 1x1 struct
test.test % class cell size 955x2
In Matlab coder i get:
Found unsupported class for variable using function 'load'. MATLAB class 'cell' found at 'test.test' is unsupported.
Use the command 'whos -file test.mat' to view the variables in the MAT file.
whos -file test.mat shows:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
test 955x2 1990906 cell
Hope someone could help me

Best Answer

This is resulting because MATLAB Coder currently does not support cell arrays inside structures, not just for loading, but in other contexts either. This limitation is documented at the following link: