MATLAB: How to load an ASCII file


I am trying to load an ASCII file that I downloaded from CST. But the usual load tricks that I do don't seem to work and I cannot seem to find the correct method to load the file. The ASCII text file has multiple columns and a the headers are seperated from the rest of the column with one row of ——— signs. This makes it harder to put the columns into variables. Is there any advice to fix this issue?
Thank you,

Best Answer

Based on the sample given in the comments
A = readmatrix('Trial 1.txt')
or better yet,
opts = detectImportOptions('Trial 1.txt','VariableNamesLine',1);
T = readtable('Trial 1.txt',opts);
for older versions you can use textscan
fid = fopen('Trial 1.txt')
out = textscan(fid,repmat('%f',1,10),'headerlines',2,'collectoutput',1)