MATLAB: How to load a specific channel from EEG into MATLAB


Hi. I am just new to EEG and also MATLAB. Currently, I am having a 14 channels EEG data, however I need only signal from 2 specific channel for analysis. How can I load the only 2 channels into MATLAB using edfread? Then, I am able to convert the data into frequency domain with the following codes but it is converting all 14 channels. Therefore, what should I modify from the existing code to get only 2 channel of signal being converted?
[header,data] = edfread("data.edf");
S = data;
Your help will be highly appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

Often unless data files are simply humongous, it's just simpler to read it all in and then selectively keep what you're interested in...
nKeep=[3 11]; % arbitary selection; write some user input code to set the desired channel(s)
[header,S] = edfread("data.edf");
S = S(:,nKeep); % keep only the desired channels..
Carry on from there as before...
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