MATLAB: How to load a .mat file into a function when the file is named as a number string which is represented by a variable in the workspace from a previous process


I have a script which analyses a photograph and saves the data into a .mat file. Each photograph in the folder is named a certain number, and the script prompts the user to input the reference number associated with their photograph of choice. This is then stored in a variable 'ref' as a string: e.g ref = '850'.
The script then proceeds to save the data in this case as 850.mat.
I then want to use this in a function, so to load the correct .mat file, I have been trying to load it in the following way:
load ref.mat – In this way, the previously stored ref variable which is present in the workspace as '850' would essentially load 850.mat, corresponding to the mat file I created previously.
Unfortunately this doesn't work and nothing I have tried (spent 3 hours searching for a solution) seems to work. The code is shown below:
*ref = num2str(input('Please enter reference number: '));*
After some calculations and manipulation…
*save(ref, 'timedata', 'tempdata');*
saving what in the previous example was 850.mat
If i now want to select that file to load into a function, what would I type so it always calls upon the file corresponding to the ref variable?
Thanks for your help in advance, and I hope I explained the question well enough!

Best Answer

S = load([ref,'.mat'])