MATLAB: How to list the values that are contained within each bin

.binhistclist values

Hi! I have a list of data points (x) that I want to organize by another set of data points (y). I have used the histc function to bin x by y and calculate the mean for each bin, but now I'd like to see what the actual values are in each bin and perhaps even export these values into different columns in excel. I have the xlswrite function working, but I can't seem to access the values of (x) within each y. Is there a function I could use to see these?
Thanks!!! Kristin

Best Answer

You can get a single set via:
c = x( (y>bin_min) & (y < bin_max) );
You will need to provide the bin_min and bin_max, but the histc help should tell you how those are decided.
If you do that in a loop, c will need to be a cell array:
for i = 1:n
c{i} = x( (y>bin_min) & (y < bin_max) );