MATLAB: How to link to a web address or a local PDF file from App designer


I am adding a small help section to my app including some additional information about the product and how to use it. To do so, I need to learn:
1 – How to assign a hyperlink to text so that the assigned web address is opened in a browser?
2 – How to link to a local PDF file so that it is opened in a PDF reader once the user clicks on it? Let's assume we have a help file in PDF format, in the same directory of the application.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

In order to assign a hyperlink to a component so that the assigned web address is opened in browser, we can add callback functions with the component being used in the AppDesigner in the manner shown below:
function ClickforHyperLinkButtonPushed(app, event)
%Anyone of the below commands can be used.
dos('explorer'); % This will open the mentioned URL in new tab in Internet Explorer.
web(''); % This will open the URL in the help browser of MATLAB.
This callback can be used for opening a file
function ClickForPDFButtonPushed(app, event)
dos('explorer file:/// FILE_PATH');