MATLAB: How to launch a matlab gui from the desktop

desktop launcheasy startexeguimatlab guione clickscripting

I have a GUI that a I developed mygui.fig that calls mygui.m as per usual. I tried copying mygui.fig to the desktop to see if it would run that way, but it only brings up the figure and doesn't make the connection with the code in the .m file.
Is there a way, through matlab, that I can one click launch my gui from my desktop?
If not, I was considering writing a script to launch it but am not sure if there is a protocol to launch matlab then execute a command via an .exe
If anyone can help I'd be greatly appreciative.

Best Answer

You can create a batch file, which contains:
matlab -nosplash -r yourMFile
This starts the M-function, which automatically opens the FIG file.