MATLAB: How to launch a FreeFem++ (.edp) file from MATLAB 2018b

app designerfreefem++MATLABmatlab gui

Hello everyone,
I am working on Creating a GUI using MATLAB App Designer, the user will insert some inputs, click on Run, then some code is executed, then the output figure should appear.
My problem is that the code is executed by FreeFem++ software, so how can I embedd the code in the MATLAB, i mean when the button in the GUi is clicked, how can it automatically open the FreeFem (.edp) file and execute it?
Thank you.

Best Answer

In the ButtonPushed callback function, you can add the following line for executing a .edp file
system(['FreeFem++ ' path_to_file]);
If you want to select a file interactively, you could also use the uigetfile function
[file, path] = uigetfile('*.edp');
selectedFilePath = fullfile(path, file)
system(['FreeFem++ ' selectedFilePath]);
Note: Make sure the folder names in your selectedFilePath do not have spaces.