MATLAB: How to label the levels of a fcontour plot

clabelfcontourlevelSymbolic Math Toolbox

How to label the levels of a fcontour plot? fcontour does not work with clabel nor has a option such as 'ShowText','on' in contour.

Best Answer

You must use the contour function to get the contour labels.
Combining fcontour and contour to get the result you want (in figure(2) here) is not difficult. You first need to get the data fcontour creates. You can do that by returning the handle to it, and then accessing its properties.
Using an example from the documentation for fcontour and adapting it to use contour:
syms f(x,y)
f(x,y) = sin(x) + cos(y);
hfc = fcontour(f);
contour(hfc.XData, hfc.YData, hfc.ZData, 'ShowText','on')
Although this takes one more line of code, it will give you the result you want.
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