MATLAB: How to label symbols and colors of markers in scatter (example)

colorlegendmarkerMATLABscattersymbol [~]

I have to scatter 2 different vars of 2 measurements like in the picture below. The marker symbol describes the variable which is plotted, the color is for different measurements. How can I create two legends, one for the symbol, one for the color?
hold on
y1 = scatter(measurement1.n, measurement1.var1, 'ro');
y2 = scatter(measurement1.n, measurement1.var2, 'rv');
y3 = scatter(measurement2.n, measurement1.var1, 'bo');
y4 = scatter(measurement2.n, measurement1.var2, 'bv');
Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-25 um 12.39.59.png

Best Answer

create additional objects with position nan and the attributes you want in the legend , and legend() the handles for those specifically .