MATLAB: How to know which push button clicked, to link it with the data retrieval


I would like to connect a push button ID to the input data retrieval. The input data is in cell array. I am using GUIDE to build the GUI.
I have 3 push buttons (for example, push button 1, 2, and 3) that are linked to the same GUI window (for example, GUI1) when they are clicked. Let's say that I click push button 1 and GUI1 pops up. At GUI1, the opening function has commands to retrieve the input data{1}. If push button 2 is clicked, the input data retrieved should be input data{2}.
Any idea how can I know which push button clicked to have the GUI1 retrieve the correct data input?
Thanks a lot! 🙂

Best Answer

Each pushbutton has its own callback by default so you already know which one was pressed.
Obviously if you want to do effectively the same code for each of them you may want to either call a common function from these callbacks or override the default callbacks by giving them all the same callback. In the latter case the 'hObject' argument is the pushbutton that you pressed and its 'tag' property will identify it for you (I tend to give all my buttons sensible tag names so I remember what they are).