MATLAB: How to know the output in Neural Network Pattern Recognition

MATLABneural networkpattern recognition

hello guys! i'm a beginner in using matlab neural network pattern recognition and I can't understand the output part. How could I show the intended output after training? For example in the load example data about the type of glass, how can I say if the sample is a window glass or not? I want to show something like this after the data has been recognize if it is indeed a window glass, "The sample is a window glass". What should I do?
I hope someone can answer me or atleast give some idea. Thanks.

Best Answer

For classification/pattern-recognition into c classes, the columns of the target matrix should be columns of the {0 1 } unit matrix eye(c).
The transformation between classindices and target matrix are obtained via the functions ind2vec and vec2ind.
trueindices = [ 5 3 1 2 4 ]
target = full(ind2vec(trueindices))
output = target + 0.15*randn(5)
predindices = vec2ind(output)
Hope this helps.
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