MATLAB: How to know the new value of y after spline interpolation


I used csaps() and assigned it into cs which is a structure that holds breaks (x-interpolated values), coefficients, order, dim, etc. But not the new value of y.
So how can I get this vector?

Best Answer

According to the csaps documentation (part of the Curve Fitting toolbox), you can either use fnval:
pp = csaps(...)
yy = fnval(pp,xx)
or call csaps itself with the new X values to get the new Y values:
yy = csaps(x,y,p,xx)
For example:
>> pp = csaps(0:pi,sin(0:pi));
>> yy = fnval(pp,0:0.5:pi)
yy =
0.082568 0.46933 0.7632 0.88597 0.81813 0.57192 0.22799
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