MATLAB: How to know the location of the minimun value from a vector

location matrix

I have a vector like this: A =
0.2008 0.2011 0.2011 0.1979 0.2003
then the minimun value is: 0.1979 which located on (1,4)
So I want to take the location of that value like above. What to do? Thanks before :')

Best Answer

A = [0.2008 0.2011 0.2011 0.1979 0.2003]
[c,idx] = min(A)
for matrix
A = rand(8);
[vc,irows] = min(A);
[v,icols] = min(vc);
out = [v irows(icols) icols];
v = min(A(:));
[irows,icols] = find(A == v);
[v,ii] = min(A(:));
[irows,icols] = ind2sub(size(A),ii);