MATLAB: How to know the format of the text file

text format

hi, I have multiple text files in one folder. I want to read all the files and make one mat file from it.therefore it will append all the data from text files into one file. the main problem I face here is to read the text data, I am not able to identify the format of this file.i have attached 2 two files to get the idea about data. i want to read all files one by one, extract the data and create only one mat file. I hope you understand my question.

Best Answer

This will append the content of these three files in the form of a table.
opts = detectImportOptions('RD-180315-103300.txt');
t1 = readtable('RD-180315-103300.txt', opts);
t2 = readtable('RD-180316-103300.txt', opts);
t3 = readtable('RD-180317-103300.txt', opts);
t = [t1; t2; t3];
The following code will work for the version between R2013b to R2016a.
f = fopen('RD-180315-103300.txt');
data1 = textscan(f, ['%{YYYY-MM-DD}D%{hh:mm:ss}T' repmat('%f', 1, 24)], 'HeaderLines', 1);
f = fopen('RD-180316-103300.txt');
data2 = textscan(f, ['%{YYYY-MM-DD}D%{hh:mm:ss}T' repmat('%f', 1, 24)], 'HeaderLines', 1);
f = fopen('RD-180317-103300.txt');
data3 = textscan(f, ['%{YYYY-MM-DD}D%{hh:mm:ss}T' repmat('%f', 1, 24)], 'HeaderLines', 1);
data = [table(data1{:}); table(data2{:}); table(data3{:})];