MATLAB: How to Keep Rows and Columns headers when applying matrix Operation in matlab

Image Processing Toolboximporting excel datamatrix manipulationxlsread

dear experienced:
I have dataset stored in matlab, which contain 100+ rows (instances) and 20 columns (features), i have read data used
A= xlsread(filename);
when i need to apply such operation like :
Anorm =normc(A) [ normalized matrix of original matrix A]
then when i write normalized matrix, i would to keep the rows and columns headers as its in original matrix, following image just show an example used to explain my instances names and variable names.
My question: how we can apply such previous functions and keep rows and columns headers of matrix?
example of input .. and output matrix ..

Best Answer

That is not a dataset variable. num is a double matrix, and txt and raw are cell arrays.
You can transpose any of them. But what does it mean to compute the distance transform of a cell array of strings? Or of a cell array?
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