MATLAB: How to keep library formats when using ssc_build

Simscapesimscape libraryssc_build

How do I keep custom Simcape library blocks from reverting to basic block settings each time I use ssc_build? I use scc_build to create a custom Simscape Library, then make the library “pretty” by adding pictures, changing colors, etc. Now if I modify one *.ssc file and redo ssc_build, I lose all my block settings for the whole library. Anyway to avoid this happening or will I need to create a work around?

Best Answer

Hi Bill
you cannot keep Simscape library blocks from reverting to basic block when you regenerate the blocks with ssc_build.
To avoid this, you could create a custom library "myprettylib" where you drag the blocks from your library "mylib" generated by ssc_build. You can customize the appaerance of these blocks, and their content is linked to the original Simscape library "mylib". When you modify the simscape code and regenerate, then "mylib" will be refreshed, but not "myprettylib", so you'll keep the appearence of the block.
Regards, Manuel
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