MATLAB: How to keep data connections when building standalone .exe


I have a matlab program that consists of several functions, gui (.fig files) and some .csv files that are used as "databases" for a series of data that are used in the program. I want to compile this program with deploytool in order to make a standalone application, to run in a PC without matlab.
The created application works normally but it doesn't read the data from the database csv files. When I call the deploytool, I instruct it to also include the .csv files in the build. However, the resulting files is only an .exe and when I run it, it doesn't read the data from the csv's in its path rather than displaying the contents of them at the time of its creation.
Is there a way to include these files into the final program, and if they change (by another user/program) the standalone application to actually read them?

Best Answer

If the .csv files are going to be changed by other applications, it doesn't seem to make sense to compile them into the standalone. Just distribute the standalone .exe and the .csv's as separate files.
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