MATLAB: How to join two matrices based on similar array in each

arraycell arraysfor loopif statementMATLABmatrix array

Matrix A as follows:
A = [
1 35 24 234 243
2 34 234 2 234
2 34 234 2 234
3 34 234 234 12
4 32 324 243 85
4 32 324 243 85
4 32 324 243 85
5 43 234 24 56
5 43 234 24 56
Matrix B as follows:
B = [43 65 1
45 546 5
43 6456 2
34 534 3
53 46 4
Based on the similar array in column 3 of matrix b and column 1 in matrix A, I want to joint these to matrix.
C = [
43 65 1 35 24 234 243
45 546 5 34 234 2 234
43 6456 2 34 234 2 234
34 534 3 34 234 234 12
53 46 4 32 324 243 85

Best Answer

Here is one way:
uniqueA = unique(A,'rows');
[~,idx] = ismember(B(:,3),uniqueA(:,1));
C = [B,uniqueA(idx,2:end)];
I am making a couple assumptions here, based on your one example:
  • The rows in A with the same values in the first column are also identical throughout.
  • Every value in B(:,3) is represented in A(:,1)