MATLAB: How to join a string cellarray row by row with a specified delimiter


If i have a cellarray "text",
text = {
'a' 'b' 'c'
'X' 'Y' 'z'
'1' '2' '3'
}; % a 3x3 cell
the desired output should be in a row by row concatenation with a comma:
result = strjoin(text,',')
will only give a result like this:

Best Answer

Starting from R2016b this could be solved rather easily: join(text,','). However, "join" was implemented differently before 2016b and it will give a result like this: 'a,X,1,b,Y,2,c,z,3' (not a row by row concatenation as the customer desires)
The simplest solution before 2016b will just be using a for loop to concatenate the cell array row by row as vectorization is not possible.
result = cell(size(text,1), 1);
for i = 1: size(text, 1)
result(i, :) = {strjoin(text(i, :), ',')};