MATLAB: How to iteratively solve an algebraic equation

algebraic equation

Hi guys, How can I iteratively solve this equation z=(4.25*x+17)*y^(0.045*x-0.782) so that I end up with x=…? I was told my best chance would be to use Matlab…However, being a complete newbie to the software I think this is beyond my plane of existence! I tried to use the solve function solve('(4.25*x+17)*y^(0.045*x-0.782)-z,x'), but I keep getting an empty sym. Any help would be amazing! Thanks!

Best Answer

My primitive version of ‘solve’ gives a non-iterative solution for x in terms of the “lambertw” function:
x = -200/9*(9/50*log(y)-lambertw(9/850*y^(481/500)*z*log(y)))/log(y)
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