MATLAB: How to iterate


Hello, I am new to matlab and in need of help. I have a 43200 x 2 matrix and having difficulty writting a code for this equation: Y=A+(D+C/2)*1, Z=Y-B. where A is -120449852, D=3311.5705, C=1476.9455, B=-10749852 from the data shown below.Please how do i code this in such a way that it repeats this operation for all the elements in the matrix sequentially and saves Z values for each iteration. for example, the next vaule of A=-107496428, D=1476.9455, C=-1719.7385 and B=-117996722 and so on…
Please note that data sample shown below is for first epoch,each epoch ends with zeros at the bottom, kindly bear this in mind while coding. Thanks
-120449852 3311.5705
-107496428 1476.9455
-117996722 -1719.7385
-120627169 -1228.7064
-116870191 -3087.5875
-134480051 -125.6097
-125355131 3313.2842
-126744025 994.96613
-112248639 937.16468
-130631487 -3113.0687
-108469847 -191.42345
0 0

Best Answer

I don't see why any iterations are required, vectorized code will do this quite easily:
A = [-120449852, -107496428];
B = [-10749852, -117996722];
C = [1476.9455, -1719.7385];
D = [3311.5705, 1476.9455];
Y = A+(D+C/2)*1
Y = 1×2
-1.2045 -1.0750
Z = Y-B
Z = 1×2
-1.0970 0.1050