MATLAB: How to introduce Delay of milliseconds in Simulink model


I have simulink model. suppose block A gives varying output (1 & 0). I need to give output of A as input to block B. But the condition is that if output of A is 1 then it is directly applied to B whereas if output is 0 then it is applied to B after delay of few milliseconds.
How to achieve this?

Best Answer

Assuming that the input signal has a value of 0 or 1, I think that this will work:
You must make the following settings inside the multiport switch:
Data Port order = Zero-based contiguous
Number of data ports = 2
You can set the delay value to whatever you want inside the delay block (even a zero delay). Note that this configuration that I am showing is for a discrete loop, so you have to make sure that the simulation time step is smaller than the delay value. For example, set the simulation timestep to 1 milisecond. Set the delay to 3 for a 3 milisecond delay.