MATLAB: How to interpret the flight log downloaded from the drone after the flight

Embedded Coderminidronesparrotparrot minidronessimulink

How do I interpret the flight log downloaded from the drone after the flight?

Best Answer

You can get the flight log by using the 'getFlightLog' API. Connect the Parrot Minidrone over Bluetooth to host computer. In MATLAB Command Window, run the following commands:
rs = codertarget.parrot.internal.parrotminidrone();
A text file titled 'droneFlight.txt' will be downloaded to the current MATLAB directory.
From here, you can open the text file. Note that the sensor values, battery voltage and motor output values are printed in the log, which can be used to debug. An example file would look like this:
At the end of the log, you can see the if the flight successfully completed or if it stopped because of any error conditions. The following screenshots show some of the different conditions.
1) Successful flight completion:
2)  Flight aborted due to the command ‘stopDroneFlight’ issued from MATLAB Command prompt:
3) No optical flow for 50 cycles. Whenever this issue arises, please try to start the drone on a different surface:
4) The drone stopped running during the flight because its battery percentage dropped below 50%:
5) If the values returned by accelerometer are extreme, the flight is aborted as a preemptive measure: