MATLAB: How to interpolate an ellipse given data points

ellipse fitinterpolating ellipseinterpolating ellipse datapointsMATLAB

I plotted number of concentric ellipses using contour function, where each ellipse represents a flux level which is a function of two currents.
But the matrix which I obatained using contour function contains some x, y coordinates which when plotted gives me an approximate ellipse shape. For example let's say a small ellipse and matlab gives me a diamond shape for it, like in the picure shown
So, my intention is to make all these ellipses more smooth by increasing the number of data points in each ellipse.
I have tried using the code below
and it gives me a weird plots like shown below
I have also removed level,vertices column but still the plot looks weird.
So, is there any way to to get good ellipse shapes, also I should be able to access x and y datapoints after interpolation
Thank you.

Best Answer

The challenge is to get your x to be unique and increasing. If I create a new variable that is the cumulative distance of each point from the first point, that satisfies that condition. I use that as my new x and use it to interp both x and y.
By default, interp1 is linearly adding points between known data points (same slope). To get a more rounded shape, set the interp style to spline.
a=10; % horizontal radius
b=5; % vertical radius
x0=0; % x0,y0 ellipse centre coordinates
axis equal
% Now that we have x, y vals, reparameterize and interp.
% Assuming linear interpolation adequately represents the ellipse
dist = sqrt(diff(x).^2+diff(y).^2);
tm = cumsum([0 dist]);
t = linspace(0,tm(end));
xInt = interp1(tm,x,t,"spline");
yInt = interp1(tm,y,t,"spline");
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