MATLAB: How to interpolate a graph to find a point halfway from the max peak


Hi, I am wondering how to find a point halfway from the maximum point (thats pointing down the way) on the graph I created:
It was made using the code
I = imread('f_000021.tif','TIFF'); imshow('f_000021.tif') x=[128 180]; y=[50 50]; improfile(I,x,y) plot(max)
There isn't many pixels plotted so I was wondering if I could pick a point in between a couple of pixels on that graph (half of the maximum value)?
Thanks, Graham

Best Answer

Do you search for something like this?
V = sin(0:0.01:pi/2);
maxV = max(V);
minV = min(V);
Range = maxV - minV;
HalfIndex = find(V > maxV - Range / 2, 1, 'first');
You have to adjust the signs and > or < according to your exact problem.
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